This is 'Iolani School

This is 'Iolani School

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

A Few Brief Thoughts From FabLearn 2015

After two great days at FabLearn 2015 at Stanford University, I return to Hawaii with lots of ideas running around in my head. Here are some of my philosophical thoughts...

Daniel Schwartz, Dean of Stanford Graduate School of Education...this guy knows his stuff. I can't wait to get his new book when it comes out, "The ABCs of How We Learn". Two concepts he spoke about in regards to M is for Making: It's an ideal motivation for a cycle of learning; and Where do you look for theoretical inspiration?

Sean Justice, Professor at Teachers College-Columbia University...I want to go back to TC for another degree and take classes from him. His session on "Material Inquiry" was 2 hours long but I could have stayed 2 was so engaging. "Tools and materials influence, inform and 'speak to' the making process, and that this way of learning can spark engaged inquiry an empower innovation."

There were two educators' panels over the weekend and both had talented, smart and creative teachers sharing things they done with their students. One big concept for me was that making in education happens around the world and its impacting students and their communities.

It was an honor to be part of the roundtable "Starting a Makerspace and Program." All the members of the panel had amazing things to share both practical and theoretical.  From Singapore to Canmore, Alberta, Canada to Wynnewood, PA., we all are using makerspaces to help students learn.

I would highly encourage anyone who is involved in "MakerEd" or thinking about getting it started in your school, to go to FabLearn 2016. I know I am going to be there.

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