This is 'Iolani School

This is 'Iolani School

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Kindergarten Creates Plant Packages

The kindergarten classes are using the Engineering is Elementary program from the Science Museum of Boston. This unit is designing and creating plant packages. Here are some of the designs the kids have come up with.

After asking questions and looking at the different materials they could use in their package, each group brainstormed different ideas. After everyone shared, the group decided on some key requirements for the package and stared to design them.

The next class started with the base package (either 1/2 gallon juice containers or 2 litter soda bottles) prepped and ready. All difficult cuts and alterations to the packages were made by the teacher. Students were then given the rest of their material and it was time to follow their plan and create their plant package.

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