This is 'Iolani School

This is 'Iolani School

Thursday, April 14, 2016

The Mini-Society Is Open For Business

The third grade mini-society was open for business today and a stop by shows that making is not only done in school.  The business signs and name tags were created in the Lab on the laser cutter, but all the rest was done at home. Check out some of these home-made businesses:

This student found a "Life Hack for Kids" video on Youtube and made these cell phone holder/amplifiers with toilet paper rolls. The great thing was that he was able to explain how they worked. 

Some students even made their own items to sell at their store.

Stuffed Animals


Designer Bottles

Jewelry and Rocks

One even had moving parts. This was a "wack a mole" type game

Check out the levels under the table...pretty cool making.

Third Grade is "Making" To Get Back To Space

Our first-third grade science teacher, Mrs. Warner, is again challenging the third grade students to go out in solar system. As part of their unit on outer space, Mrs. Warner has them imagine, plan and create space exploration vehicles. This set of "lessons" has begun and I have been invited to help students with the "making" part of the project. My job is to cut things they can't cut (like old PCBs or hard plastic bottles), help hot glue (I man the "high-temp" gun) and answer design questions.

Design Sheet

Labeled Diagram w/NASA approval

Recycled Material

Time To Create

Here are some more of their creations as they take shape:

Friday, April 8, 2016

Peter Rabbit's Garden Goes To The FabLab

Our kindergarteners planted "Peter Rabbit's" garden, but they had a problem. There were no signs saying what each plan was. So off to the FabLab they hopped.

After brainstorming what they wanted on their plant's stake, they drew it on a 3x5 card. The teacher then reduced it on the printer and they gave them to me. We scanned each drawing and send it to the computer. There, using Inkscape, we draw a stake shape around the picture and laser cut it out.

Here's some examples of how they looked: