This is 'Iolani School

This is 'Iolani School

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Teacher Professional Development in NYC This Summer

This comes from our friend Sean Justice. If you are a teacher and will be looking for professional development in NYC this summer, check this out.

The International Center for Photography is offering a "Beginners Guide to Computing and Photography" in early July.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Sixth Grade S.T.E.M. Catapults

As part of their 6th grade unit on Medieval Times, all the students have to imagine, design, create (and often, improve) a catapult in their science class. Working in groups, students come up with a plan, then make prototypes out of cardboard.

Next, students use Inkscape to create a PDF that will be sent to the laser cutter, where their plan will be cut out of wood here in the Lab.

Finally, the wood pieces will be glued together and the wooden catapults are tested. We'll have more about that at a later time.

This part of the unit is total S.T.E.M. Other aspects of the Medieval unit include taking part in a Medieval Faire as alchemists, astronomers, royalty, archers, etc...all in costume and having done research on the part they are playing. This years Medieval Faire is March 8th.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Third Grade Water Filters

As part of a third grade classroom unit, the students have to design and make water filters. Part of the process is to create a filter piece in the Lab. The students came in, were given a filter template and had to create their filter on Inkscape. Then we cut out the filters and the students will use them in their filter experiment.

Sean Justice Visits With First Grade

Sean Justice was on campus on Friday and met with our first grade classes to see what they can discover when given a battery, light bulb, paper clip and battery holder. Using material to lead to inquiry is one of the things Sean is very interested in. Here's some of what happened:

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Afterschool Circuit Class Makes Game Controlers

The students in our after-school circuit class were challenged to make a game controller for a Scratch game they found online. The only requirement was that you could not use your thumb to manipulate any of the controls. 

After going through the design process, students made prototypes using a variety of materials including MakeyMakeys. Here are some of their creations: 

Sixth Grade Medieval Faire Preparation Has Begun

Every year, as part of a collaborative unit, the 6th grade students and teachers hold a medieval faire. Booths are set up, costumes are worn and everyone is invited to see archers, alchemists, royalty, May Poll dances, etc. This years Faire is March 8, so preparations have begun and some of them are happening here in the Lab.

So far, the archers have come in to imagine, plan and create things to shoot at (like chickens, deer and knights). They have made a chicken already and are working on the other pieces daily.

We also have some students coming in to make amulets to wear. They are still in the planning stage, but any day now, they should be cutting them out. As we go through the next month, I'll be posting more pictures of the work these students are doing. Check back...

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Minecraft at ‘Iolani

Great stuff going on at 'Iolani School. Check out what Gabe's been doing.

Monday, February 8, 2016

What Some Of Our Upper School Students Are Doing

The Upper School students are 'Iolani are doing some amazing things. Here's one example of what's going on in two classes in the Sullivan Center. This is true collaboration.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Introducing Drawdio

At the beginning of our afterschool circuit class, I put a "Drawdio" on the table with some copper tape. Once curiosity got the best of them, the students started touching to see what it was.