This is 'Iolani School

This is 'Iolani School

Monday, July 6, 2015

Summer School...Session One (week 3)

This was a short week because we celebrated the 4th of July on Friday (had the day off). But the 4 days we had, were great. Monday we finished any wa'as that weren't done and introduced 3D printing with 123D Design...both on the iPad and the Mac.

The first challenge was to create a name plaque and 3D print it.

The student then were asked to design and 3D print another object of their choosing. They could use any of the 3D programs we had, this includes apps on the iPad (MakerBot PrintShop, Zotebook, and PencilSketch).

Once they finished this project, they could create anything they wanted to using littleBits, circuits, the laser cutter, 3D printers, or 3D scanners. Here are some of the things they made:

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